Our systems cover the operation of clinical and specialized departments with many mutually interconnected modules, enabling you to keep track of medical documentation and many operational activities. The products ensure the entering of required administrative data and the acquisition of reporting and statistical data, and the support activities of doctors and personnel, when documenting a patient’s state of health.
The key change in the concept of an information system is a change from a record keeping system to a process system. Unlike record keeping systems, where the utilization rate of data is given in advance depending on the fixed data structure definition, we can configure the scope of recorded data according to the needs of hospital management, so that all necessary characteristics and indicators are readily available. To ensure the maximum openness towards other systems and integration within a larger information unit, it provides general services that will ensure integration into a larger unit (chain and regional solutions) using international (e.g. HL7) and local (DS4) standards of data exchange. For a user, this simplicity means that all the important functions of the current systems will be kept, and users’ work over the same set of functions and data will be markedly simpler. The system contains functionalities that enable you to keep medical documentation in a paperless form according to the applicable legislation.
–20 %
operational costs in operating theatres
- 15
increase in reported services
–15 %
costs of medicines and of keeping online records of consumable medical supplies
A management system is an extension of clinical, economic, personnel, and other information systems operated within medical facilities. It enables usersto consolidate data for carrying out analysesin order to provide a global view of the performance and efficiency of a medical facility.
The management of a medical facility or a chain of medical facilities needs a comprehensive set of management tools for monitoring the key performance parameters of the organization. We cover not only indicators of an economic and operational nature, but also a wide range of clinical indicators for controlling and comparing the quality and safety of the health care provided. We provide a range of user interfaces for the interpretation of data, from summary information from selected reports for top management and leading clinical workers, to analytic interfaces for a detailed analysis of causes of changes in key monitored parameters. For every area, FONS Reports has sets of standard queries prepared that are based on the experience of product designers and consultants and also on the best practice used in partner hospitals.
–75 %
reduction in regulatory deductions
100 %
continuous control of monitored indicators
–10 %
savings in the costs of medicines
Our laboratory system supports specific working processes in the following specializations: biochemistry, haematology, immunology, serology, parasitology, mycology, virology, cytology, genetics, cytogenetics, bacteriology, and transfusiology. An integral part of the system is the integrated laboratory store for keeping records of chemicals and consumables.
The system enhances the quality of outputs important in terms of medicine by using the wide support of the control of results by doctors and by automatically monitoring their relations. Our products provide a substantial increase in the efficiency of a laboratory complement, reached by supporting the cooperation of locally separated laboratory operations with the possibility of creating logically unified units with unified outputs out of them with the same level of internal control (both by doctors and chemical). We deliver the widest support of integration with laboratory technologies on the market. The system provides the perfect monitoring of costs and the full automation of the preparation of outputs about provided care for all types of payers. It supports the accreditation of a laboratory by setting processes and documentation outputs right in the information system. The availability of important operational modules via the internet enables clients to order laboratory examinations and view results. The system allows for the maximum electronization and paperless operation in compliance with the legislation, substantially reducing many of the other operating costs.
–70 %
reduction in the time required for the receipt of a request form
–30 %
costs of the operation of IT technologies in chains of laboratories
–10 %
costs of laboratory technologies
This comprehensive solution supports the recording of stocks of medicines and medical and general materials at all levels within a medical facility and the precise documentation of movements within an entire logistic chain, according to the currently applicable legislation.
Records of medicines, health equipment, and general material are kept from their entry to the medical facility – Hospital Pharmacy, Medical Material Stores, Material and Technical Supplies Store, and Consignation Stores. Stock movement to clinics, departments, and outpatient departments is monitored and the current stocks in relevant stores are displayed. Connection with the clinical information system enables staff to reference dispensing with a patient’s medical recordsn in order to increase the patient safety and to ensure the cost control of a logistic process. The solution provides important pharmacological and economic data for the economic and analytical software of a hospital.
–15 %
costs of medicines and consumable medical supplies
100 %
control of the drug safety of patients
–10 %
reduction in the medicine stock
The systems developed for hospital boarding facilities are unique as they address specific problems of hospital boarding, which is completely different from the usual company or school boarding.
For example, they must perform the automated collection of reports from departments several times a day and calculate differences in ingredients, depending on the fluctuation in the number of clients during a day. They need to support a wide range of diets, ensuring the supply of appropriate food for clients with various diseases, supporting their treatment and respecting their individual boarding needs and habits. They also need to be able to react flexibly to market supply, in relation to the monitoring of the price levels of ingredients, which enables the management of boarding facilities to be more efficient. They submit data for employees’ meals to wage systems and export economic reports to accounting and economic systems for the further processing of results within the entire hospital.
–10 %
costs of ingredients
–15 %
reduction in the raw material store
–10 %
time required for monitoring and ordering food
We provide systems for specific analyses and consultations in the area of public health insurance,health care provision and reporting, the area of regulatory and bonus mechanisms, controls and revisions, coding in the DRG system, and for the setting of contractual relations with health insurance companies.
Our systems ensure that provided health care is correctly reported to payers and provides analyses of the possible danger of subsequent inspections and revisions by payers, the full pre-validation control of K-allowances before sending to the payers, the removal of the need for subsequent corrections of K-allowances, controls, and methodology for the full reporting of provided health care (this includes the use of all possibilities of reporting according to the applicable List of medical services, prevention, and dispensing, codes for adding, DRG-markers, separately charged materials and separately charged medicines for services, critical services, operating interventions versus anaesthesia, and others), data for making decisions about the restructuring of a medical facility and about the regulation of contractual relations and for the modelling of selected financing methods, data for an appeal against results of billing, when applying regulations, results of controls and revisions, and the like. Analyses of prescriptions, revealing possible frauds, and others.
Our system creates professional analyses of submitted payment amendments for individual years by payers, analyses and modelling of the financial impact of agreed payment amendments, a continuous risk analysis for the completion of provided health care to individual payers, analyses and controls of performed billings by payers, and professional consulting about solving specific problems (such as the restructuration of a bed fund, new outpatient department capacities, recommendations for contracting them out, recommendations regarding external changes – e.g. impacts on the volumes of provided care due to the restructuring of other providers, and the like).
+10 mil. CZK
additional benefits from health insurance companies
100 %
prediction of possible deductions by health insurance companies
–75 %
savings in the time required for correcting K-allowances