Mobile ward round
Owing to the mobile ward round, a doctor has the required data available and displayed on his tablet right at a patient’s bedside and can also make records in the daily report forms and medication forms. We appreciate the work of doctors very much and therefore we provide them with a tool that saves their time by the fact that there is no need to make records in documentation twice.
Reference video – Mobile ward round
Bed documentation
This ensures keeping a patient’s documentation while hospitalized and at the same time all paperwork connected with the patient’s stay in the hospital, including keeping records and reporting data for payers for care and the Institute of Health Information and Statistics.
Owing to its process orientation, the system can be set to copy real work with a patient. The structure of individual documents can be set variably using clinical events to make it in compliance with the needs and processes of the department.
Drug interactions
This is an important tool for checking and estimating risks of pharmacotherapy in patients. The drug interaction database is processed and supplied by Infopharm and integrated into the clinical information system. It is used for informing medical workers immediately when prescribing both prescription medicines and medicines prescribed while a patient is hospitalized. The system warns online about drug interactions and thus contributes to the enhancement of the safety of patients.
Nursing documentation
This covers the functions of nursing anamnesis, a nursing plan with an evaluation, transfer reports, a screening examination carried out by a nurse – risks of falling, risks of decubitus,
a test of self-sufficiency, nutritious screening, and others. All documents are kept in a structured way and guarantee that the documentation is complete, duplicate data are excluded, and labour-intensity is reduced.
This module is designed for a doctor, a procedure planning worker, and a physiotherapist.
All successive steps are interconnected – from prescribing procedures by a doctor, planning procedures, making records by physiotherapists, and making the final evaluation of a patient’s health by a doctor to ending the treatment. Also reporting the services performed is included.
Electronic procedure planning puts emphasis on ergonomics at work for an end user.
This brings a comprehensive solution to processes that take place in medical imaging departments from patient admissions to the description of an examination that has taken place and its electronic transmission to the department that has made the request.
The system enables to communicate with commonly offered PACS systems using communication connectors that send requests to the worksheet server and enable to access image documentation right from the request form or from the patient’s documentation.
This is an efficient tool for purchasing services, separately charged materials and separately charged medicines and for checking whether payments made by health insurance companies are correctly reported due to making it parallel when recording medical documentation. It contains controls that can be defined by a user right at data input and during bulk processing using a comprehensive control matrix and balancing the books during one step as a configurable process.
Pharma module
This module extends the clinical information system to include the support of the evaluation of pharmacotherapy by a clinical pharmacist or pharmacologist. This product is adjusted to the systematic evaluation of a patient’s medication without being requested by a doctor and also to the evaluation of a patient’s medication at a doctor’s request (evaluation by medical specialists).
Web request forms and approvals
These are a basic module for the implementation of logistics and increase substantially the percentage of the managed costs. They ensure the creation and multistage/multi-criteria approval of electronic purchase request forms for commodities (medicines, medical devices, antibiotics, material and technical supplies, and others) for the needs of departments within a medical facility. The catalogue is unified for an entire medical facility using the so-called positive list.
Processes, tasks, clinical recommended procedures
The basic benefit of FONS Enterprise is its process orientation. It enables to set processes – from simple sequences of functions started to complex workflow corresponding to standard procedures for treating in the case of a specific diagnosis. A tool is determined for management that enables to evaluate processes, monitor deviations of the actual course from
a standard process, or task users. This tool enables to optimize individual processes to make activities carried out in a medical facility more efficient.
Logistics (central and handy stores)
This is included in the FONS Enterprise clinical information system and supports an entire logistic system in a comprehensive way – from medication and stock records in central and handy stores to dispensing for an identified patient. It also supports individually prepared medicines in a hospital pharmacy. However, it solves not only the area of drugs and medical materials, but also the area of general materials and services (material and technical supplies, maintenance, etc.).
Outpatient documentation
The outpatient documentation ensures the process when a patient comes to an outpatient department, when it is registered, when outpatient medical records are created, and when the patient is placed into the waiting room. The text record of an examination may be supplemented with photographic documentation and predefined services, which ensures the maximization of recording with minimum work to be done by the doctor. In the background a patient’s passage through an outpatient department in terms of time is recorded and many indicators such as waiting times, examination lengths, data for the evaluation of provided care quality indicators, and others can be seen there.
Intensive care
This solves keeping intensive care documentation on a time axis. The electronic unit gives a well arranged view of laboratory values, measured data, instrument results, medication, fluid balances displayed in a way suitable for the intensive care unit and the department of anaesthesiology and resuscitation. The data are displayed graphically on a time axis and the monitoring frequency can be selected.
This controls complete workflow from ordering for an operation to making and reporting an operation record.
The order diary gives information about the occupancy of operating theatres. It contains necessary controls that ensure that an operation will be planned in accordance with the capacity possibilities. An operating schedule can be created using ordered operations. Data entered in the process of ordering are then transferred to the operation record that describes the operation comprehensively.
Gynaecology and maternity hospital
This gives a comprehensive solution to processes connected with birthing and operation in
a maternity hospital. It enables to keep the required documentation for an examination and hospitalization of a pregnant woman, describes prenatal examinations, birthing, and the health of the new born baby and mother after the birth. The documentation of the mother and new born baby is interrelated and gives a user a comprehensive view of a case.
The electronic reporting of required reports for the Institute of Health Information and Statistics and the register office is included.
It enables a medical facility to enter data collected by cardiology registers into the hospital system and then report these data electronically to registers.
Data are collected in structured forms displayed right from a hospital information system from a patient’s documentation.
These are data monitored by both national registers (Register of cardiovascular operations and interventions) and clinical registers operated in cooperation with the Czech Society of Cardiology.
Undesirable events
This enables to make records in electronic structured forms. Undesirable events can be sent electronically to the register that is operated by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics.
The product includes the possibilities of keeping continuously data on decubitus, entering data about a patient’s fall, including the description of the patient’s health before and after the fall, and keeping records of hospital infections with the option of sending automatically an e-mail to the persons responsible when a critical event is recorded.
Electronic medical documentation
This is a set of technological and application means and process procedures enabling to keep the medical documentation of patients in a purely electronic form according to the applicable legislation and enables thus to reduce creating and keeping medical documentation in duplicate in a documentary form that is created only for the purpose of documenting legally care provided in the form of a printed output of electronically kept records in the hospital information system.