INMED 2015 conference
The theme of this year’s conference will be information systems as a tool of effective heath care and the introduction of accreditation for nurses as well as doctors.
The INMED 2015 conference is the 15th year of this well-established conference organized by STAPRO s. r. o. This year’s symposium takes place on 13-14 October 2015 in Sukova síň, Dům hudby, Pardubice, Czech Republic. This educational event was organized according to Professional Regulation No 16 of the Czech Medical Chamber in 2014 and its value was 9 credits. This year, in 2015, we are planning accreditation not only for doctors but also for nurses.
The theme of the conference is information systems as a tool of effective heath care. Health care informatics is an important and nowadays necessary support for operational and decision-making processes in Czech and Slovak health care. During its existence, the INMED conference has gained popularity not only among the medical professionals but also among the non-professional public. The conference has achieved a high social and professional importance especially during the last years.
For more information and an application form see the conference pages.